Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mind Over Matter?

Man, I am really running myself ragged.
I feel as if I'm just behind on everything- and my days will not slow down.

It's okay though, i guess i rather like having a packed full agenda. I just hope this illness I'm fighting goes away and I'm able to move on without it taking a toll on me.

So, here's a little peek into what has been going on:
- Re-Application Interview
- Class
- Work
- Programs... and lots of them!
- Relationship Ups & Downs, we know that neither of us are going anywhere, but sometimes the stress of everyday life is unfortunately taken out on the ones we know best. =[
- Resident Interactions being less than ideal as far as the variety.
- Starting a blog. And thus attempting to make posts about something interesting, but finding that everything I put in front of myself on the screen ends up boring me!
- Wanting a camera. And not knowing which one I should take a leap of faith with. Do I want a big investment fancy-pants camera? Or is that going to just be a hindrance in my wanting to take more photographs? Will it instead be an inspiration? Ahhh! Sometimes I just wish that someone else could make all my decisions for me. Is that unrealistic? (Don't answer that ha)
- Finding time to spend with my family, my friends, my godson, my residents... how do people do it?!

That's enough rambling and venting for today. I'm taking a break from the challenge. I know it's far too early to be cheating, but I'm sick. And not going anywhere. And am certainly not dressing in anything other than L's sweats, my moccasins, and a T. Niiiiiice.


*I'll try and add another post when I'm not so out of it, but just wanted to show my little bloggie here that I am not neglecting it. *

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