Friday, November 4, 2011

ABC's of Me

Okay, so I know it has been AGES since I have been on here. I figured I would make a little comeback with some information about me! Hope all has been well! :)

Age: 21

Bed size: Queen/Twin

Chores that you hate: Dishes. UGH!

Dogs: Oy. I suppose I'm a little on the picky side with the dogs that I actually do like (it's pretty few and far between) but with the loss of Dot this year, L and I are seriously considering getting a dog as soon as his lease is up. Or talking the landlord into letting us have a dog there?

Essential to start your day: Ha! I guess I have to just lay there and visualize the things I'm thankful for while simultaneously stretching my body every which way? I used to try and get all of my emails checked before getting up, but have a little technical difficulty going on with my blackberry...

Favorite color: absolutely green.

Gold or silver: silver.

Height: 5 feet 2 inches. Maybe 3 now... I am convinced I have grown.

Instruments you play: I sing and used to play the flute. I could probably pick up instruments fairly easily and really want to be able to play the banjo, ukelele, mandolin, and guitar! 

Job title: Full-Time Student and Resident Assistant

Kids: I love them. Obsessed with them. Can't wait to have them... and lots of them please!

Live: I live for happiness. For the sheer gratitude that I am given the chance to experience life. For my friends and family. For L. For advocating for those who cannot.

Mothers name: Tammy

Nicknames: Lexy. ZA. Lex. Lexicon. Lexzilla. Lexmonster. Twinnie. Babe.

Overnight hospital stays: None that I can recall.

Pet peeves: Lack of respect. Rudeness. Presumptuous and Condescending people. Mean-Spirited anything. The sound it makes when a banana is being eaten. 

Quote from a movie or TV show: 
"Gus: Well, it's not like you're one thing or the other, okay? There's still a kid inside but you grow up when you decide to do right, okay, and not what's right for you, what's right for everybody, even when it hurts.
Lars Lindstrom: Okay, like what?
Gus: Like, you know, like, you don't jerk people around, you know, and you don't cheat on your woman, and you take care of your family, you know, and you admit when you're wrong, or you try to, anyways. That's all I can think of, you know - it sound like it's easy and for some reason it's not."

-Lars and The Real Girl on growing up
Right or lefty: Right

Siblings: I have two younger sisters, Jessica and Kayla.

Time you wake up: It sure depends on the day!

Underwear: Love to buy them-- hate to wear them.

Vegetable you hate: Oooh. I don't think I hate any vegetable. With me it's more of a texture thing- can't be too mushy or too crunchy. Or gushy like eating a plain tomato. No thanks.

What makes you run late: When I can't find something I want to wear. 

X-rays you've had: Teeth. Wrist. Back.

Yummy food you make: I think I can make anything well if a recipe is available! :)

Zoo animal: I love penguins. And puffins. And elephants. And hippopotamuses. And monkeys.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

sometimes it seems like life is just coming down on everyone.
i wish that things would just slow down.
that they would be happy and full of love.
and that's it.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard

I'm home.
And trying to get back into the swing of things.
things have been speeding up, yet at the same time slowing down.

i've been busy adding another job to my plate as the hurdling coach once again, on top of being an RA and working at Gap. Still trying to figure out what my plans for the summer are, and how in the world I can incorporate some more traveling into my life. I really do have a gypsy soul.

Here's a little taste of what I experienced this past week (more to come):


love love love

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


... I get out of control and buy things like two pairs of converse shoes:

The End.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The air of change is a-blowin'...

Disclaimer: I know that I look kinda funny in this picture, but I was trying to snap a photo before running into work. The red jacket isn't really making for a lovely photo with my huge red lippies. Oh well!

Love love love!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Give and Get is Here!

Give and Get is Here!: "Enjoy 30% off from March 17-20 at Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy plus we'll make a 5% donation to a non-profit."

Friday, February 18, 2011

I have been...

... re-hired as a Resident Assistant for the 11-12 school year.
What a weight off my shoulders!!

I'll try and have another more meaningful post up soon.

love love love

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So... sorry about the lack of posting.
I guess I just haven't known what to say. Or how to say it. Or even how I'm really feeling inside.

But, enough of the depressing "Me, me, me, blah, blah, blah..." talk.

Let's talk Valentine's Day!
L and I went out to eat at drumroll please Applebees! with his family. HAHAHAHAHHA.
How romantic.
We then went to the movie theater to watch The Fighter and it was SO GOOD!
Also, thoroughly romantic. Sensing a theme here?

I, then had to run back to the residence halls and work the desk until midnight. What a drag!
But, loveey surprised me with a bear named Simon Garfunkle, cala lilies (my favorite!), and super yummy dark chocolates. He is just so sweet! AND! We agreed not to get each other anything, the little stinker. But, I suppose I did make him a card and a few random "coupons", so I cheated too.

But, it's our anniversary tomorrow guys! 2 years!
Oh man.
I literally remember the day we "met". Like, for real met. Not the first time I saw him hanging around school.
I was talking to L the other day as we were watching TV. I'm pretty sure the situation was that someone on the show we were watching was talking about loving their SO the first time they saw each other. So, I- the inquisitive and annoying type that I am, ask L if he knew he loved me the first time he saw me.

And... he said he did. It was so sweet. I am literally the luckiest gal in the land, folks!

This is what he got me for my birthday:
Not as impressive looking here as on my little fingie... But it's Tiffany & Co. !! Pretty big deal.
Also, he got me this:

which, I find hilarious. But sweet. Obvi, having a snowmobile jacket is one of the warmest things you could have and I'm always FREEZING, so he spent a lot of money to find one that looks like me. The picture just doesn't do it justice- they are so not my style, but I actually really like this one! He's a keeper friends. A KEEPER!

So, I'm going to spend these last few minutes before I'm done at the desk studying.
I'll try to be better at this blogging thing.
Pinkie Swear!

love love love!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way. Sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I've got one thing I got to do... Ramble On."

So, I've just been sitting at the front desk for the past two hours listening to the William Fitzsimmons Pandora station and reading through The Kind Diet, which I've been anxiously anticipating the arrival of for several weeks.

Isn't it interesting how when something big happens you just expect everyone to know that you're going through a rough time and slow things down for you? Like, why are you speeding through a cross-walk? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M HAVING A BAD DAY?!

I'm so ridiculous. I've really been slacking on this blog and the direction I've wanted it to head. I guess I'm just still unsure of what I want to do. I know I signed up for the 30 for 30, but honestly wasn't able to photograph my picks last week. I did use just the clothing I had originally picked - but decided that blackberry and mac photobooth pictures just don't do them justice and I'm just not as good at posing like some of my faves Kendi, Tania, and Syd. How in the world do they do it without looking as awkward as I do?!


I've just been so busy and emotional lately. What is up with that?

Maybe it's just a case of the winter blahs- but I'm over it. This pity party stops here.
(Aren't you glad you got to be a part of it, though?)

So, now that I've kinda figured out this link business, I'm gonna let you in on some of the things I've been loving lately!

Monday, February 7, 2011


So, I hosted a Super Bowl Party.
And it went really well!
There were supporters of both teams, which hilariously segregated themselves into different sides.
I sat in the middle!

The food ran out, commercials were watched, the plays were made, and the Packers won.

Thanks for taking part in a great evening. One of these days I'll get around to visually documenting my events. Until then, I guess you'll just have to accept my apologies and pretend.

love love love

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mind Over Matter?

Man, I am really running myself ragged.
I feel as if I'm just behind on everything- and my days will not slow down.

It's okay though, i guess i rather like having a packed full agenda. I just hope this illness I'm fighting goes away and I'm able to move on without it taking a toll on me.

So, here's a little peek into what has been going on:
- Re-Application Interview
- Class
- Work
- Programs... and lots of them!
- Relationship Ups & Downs, we know that neither of us are going anywhere, but sometimes the stress of everyday life is unfortunately taken out on the ones we know best. =[
- Resident Interactions being less than ideal as far as the variety.
- Starting a blog. And thus attempting to make posts about something interesting, but finding that everything I put in front of myself on the screen ends up boring me!
- Wanting a camera. And not knowing which one I should take a leap of faith with. Do I want a big investment fancy-pants camera? Or is that going to just be a hindrance in my wanting to take more photographs? Will it instead be an inspiration? Ahhh! Sometimes I just wish that someone else could make all my decisions for me. Is that unrealistic? (Don't answer that ha)
- Finding time to spend with my family, my friends, my godson, my residents... how do people do it?!

That's enough rambling and venting for today. I'm taking a break from the challenge. I know it's far too early to be cheating, but I'm sick. And not going anywhere. And am certainly not dressing in anything other than L's sweats, my moccasins, and a T. Niiiiiice.


*I'll try and add another post when I'm not so out of it, but just wanted to show my little bloggie here that I am not neglecting it. *

Monday, January 31, 2011


So, this is going to be super quick!
I haven't had the chance to photograph my picks for the 30 for 30 challenge, but am super excited for it to begin!
I have an incredibly busy day tomorrow- class, interview, class, class, work the desk. Boo!
But, I just wanted to write a quick little note while my loveey is snoring away.
Love love love!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Chinese Proverb

So, this is it.

I've been following countless blogs for probably 5 years and have never once opened one of my own.
The reasoning behind this?

I wish I had an explanation. It may be fear. It may be insecurity. It may even be the feeling of insignificance when it comes to my words over another's. But, having those words in front of me on this screen is reason enough to validate my need for an outlet.

I have always strived to keep those around me comfortable, and often that results in a negative effect on me- on my body. I have been feeling under-the-weather for half a year now and I have decided that I need to take action against this.
I cannot give up.

For me to just sit by and let my body be thrown about the tumultuous waves that life brings is an insult to those who are really suffering. So, with a new year comes a new outlook. A new way of living. And, I'm hoping that having this out in the open will help hold me accountable for the path my life is taking.

On a lighter note, as a way to really start to enjoy my life...

... I had a s'more for breakfast!
